Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thinking Beyond Your Thinking

Our thoughts are often trapped by the language we use to describe them.  We would like 'more money.' 'a new car,' 'a better job,' or some goal that seems specific, but we are actually quite vague.  With a new car, is it that we want a model from off the assembly line or just an upgrade to what we own?  When we aspire to a better job, are we looking for one that pays better, uses our talents more productively, or feels more fulfilling?  Catch yourself and make this change. Next time you blurt out how life could be better, think beyond your thinking. Write down the desire you stated, then translate it into what you truly want. If you write down 'a new car,' list all the features of the car which you seek including payment. If you want your career to be different, tell your conscious mind all about the subconscious desires you have for this new position. Think beyond your thinking. Be specific.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Finding Your Best Solutions, Not Just An Answer

We all hear other people with health problems, money challenges, relationship hurdles and issues of all sorts talk on and on about the nature of the issue.  Often, they will talk about making healthier choices, learning money management strategies, changing how they approach relationships and how to better live their lives; but more often than not ... they save that wisdom and insight for when someone else is having those issues. You are your own best consultant, advisor and guru. Take a moment to discreetly write down what your problem or concern is ... and then, trick yourself into giving you 'the solution' as if it was for someone else. You might just be surprised how smart you really are. Then, implement it for yourself. Don't make a big announcement. Just make the change which you want. If you miss the mark, begin again. You know what you need to do, but are you willing to do it? 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Giving Thanks: How About Your Future?

Looking at an infant, we all enjoy speculating about what will their future will be like? A universal desire is that it be better than the present. Let's be grateful that all that unlimited potential is ahead of each child. Let's also feel grateful that they have the ability to do better than the 'better' which we all have achieved. As this infant has eyes wide open, let's believe that the future is a better place and be grateful that the lessons we learn both individually and collectively can be made manifest in it.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks: Be Grateful Right Where You Are

A gardener friend of mine said that flowers, unlike people, never complain. They never feel that other flowers got more sunshine or more water or were put in better soil or in gardens with better plants. Flowers just bloom where they're planted and make the best of their situations.  How about us?  I believe that we would be better off if we use our present circumstances as a starting point and accept them, yet still grow towards the sun.  Are we complaining about the soil or beds in which we are planted?  Accept exactly where you are and give thanks that you have an opportunity to grow from there.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks: Remembering Our Past

In our hectic present moment based world, we often forget that all progress comes from building on the past and solving the issues, problems and dilemmas which those who came before us solved. We often live where we do because someone made a decision to seek gainful opportunity. We know the people we know because of the same. Yet, we also carry inside of us a rich history from those who came before us. In reflecting this week on things for which to be grateful, also include your forefathers and foremothers who made choices. Celebrate those choices both big and small. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Giving Thanks: Thoughts + Action = Tribute

When someone says that something they have done is in tribute to another, it touches our hears and souls in a very meaningful way. When was the last time you put your thoughts of gratitude into action to produce a tribute to someone? This is a very powerful and lasting statement of what someone meant to you. It's one thing to say the words, but to create something lasting that shows yourself and the world that this person had meaning ... that's a more powerful statement. Is there a real and tangible way you would like to say thank you to another for the lessons they taught you, the presence in your life or just because they are special in your mind and heart? Just enact this simple formula: Thoughts + Action = Tribute.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Giving Thanks: The Power of Gratitude

It's easy to talk about gratitude for a few minutes during Thanksgiving. But the power of gratitude is a life changing mental state. It can be a life changing process where you can feel a change in your mindset. It allows you to create new ideas, thoughts, processes and outcomes. Importantly, gratitude also can change the mindset of those around you to see that the things which they squawk about are not as bad as they once imagined.  Finding gratitude in any situation doesn't mean complacency, but rather you see your present good as a firm foundation on which to build higher achievements.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Peace Wherever We Are

There are some people who are able to keep cool no matter what they do or where they are. I think that these people have super powers. Life happens and they don't react. Instead, they know that this latest event hasn't come to stay. Peace in our world is an inside job. Most events are not good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Let's tap into this super power next time life moves on us.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Reading and writing

Too many of us confuse reading social media posts and writing to-do lists as thinking and creating. Give yourself permission to read more. Give yourself permission to write more. Give yourself permission to think beyond your current state of thoughts.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Mystery of YOU

Inside of you is an amazing genetic composition that is uniquely yours and totally unlimited. Stop limiting your thoughts, beliefs and ideas. How?  By thinking that you are limited. Take a moment to feel that you have power and potential greater than the labels and ideas you may have spoken say. You have a vast array of talent and abilities in you which no one can deny.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Difference One Drop Can Make

When we look at the vastness of lakes and oceans, we realize that all this majestic water is actually composed of billions of drops of water coming together in one place at one time, united in the purpose of creating such a body of water. Makes one wonder if we thought of this same vastness as human potential, what could we accomplish by coming together in one place at one time, united in the purpose of creating a common goal.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What The Artist Sees

We are fortunate to live in a world of artists. It is there artistic vision which reminds us to look at our world differently. Artists are masters of interpreting light, shadow and perspective. They must look at a scene for hours or some times days; and then make judgements in a split second that determine what they capture and what we see.  What if we approached our life more as an artist does? What if we looked towards what we want to capture with the same approach of vision, interpretation and then capturing the moment for all to see?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Which Path Do You Choose?

Every decision we make is like standing at a cross roads. Unlike the street signs labeled "Failure" or "Success," we only see the potential choices that we can make. We look at the choices and from there make a determination of whether or not this is failure or success.  Life is about Intelligent Choices. Take risks which you understand and lead you toward expressing and achieving your goals.

Monday, November 17, 2014

How Do You Define Success

The note posted here describes a general definition of success which most people can agree upon. The challenge is that most people don't have an individual definition of success. Many people say feel that "MORE" is a good definition ... but more of what?  Take a moment and a sheet of people and then ask yourself, "What does success mean to me?"  Yes, finer living arrangements and better transportation are fine examples of success. Ask yourself about the individual and specific elements which would fit your definition. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The desperate things a desperate person will do

A recent reality TV celebrity (who shall remain nameless) made quite a stir with a magazine photo pictorial featuring her in various stages of dress ... and then undress. This isn't surprising, nor is this news. Spend your mental energy thinking about ideas which have a direct impact on your world and the things you care about.  Don't ever get swept up in the desperate things a desperate person will do to promote a desperate career. Looking at it, talking about it, positing on it and thinking about it will not improve your life. It will only distract you, if only momentarily.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Speed Bump

The job of an asphalt speed bump is to slow our vehicle down.  Life also has speed bumps, which aren't made from asphalt. When an event, a person or a circumstance slows you down, look at the scenery around you and see what else is going on.  When life slows you down, ask yourself, "Is this a barrier or merely just a speed bump?"

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's okay to carry the shoes

If you would believe some voices, the most important person in that picture is the family in the water having a great time walking through the sand. Missing is an appreciation that the man is carrying the shoes for them, allowing them to have the experience they want. It's okay to carry the shoes for others and let them have the experiences and joy which they seek.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Words of Encouragement

A simple of word of encouragement to anyone is a gift which they long to hear. Each of us hear so much about our shortfalls and limitations. When you can, tell someone a kind compliment you feel about them.  Both of you will feel better from the exchange.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Write It Down

Everyone has great ideas. One key to putting those ideas in place is to write them down. If you talk them out, other people will influence them.  Whenever inspiration hits you, take a moment to write it down and make sure you write all the information you can about the idea - whatever it is. You could find yourself on the road to the next great success story.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Remember Someone Special

Take a moment right now and think of someone special you have known. Take a moment to recall someone close to you and a time or place when you felt that way. You don't have to do anything more than let those memories fill your head and heart. In the hectic, day to day chase for our goals and dreams, let those memories nurture you for more than just a moment. Remember this moment several times today.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

What's Your Plan?

When formulating an idea, everyone has a plan on how to best achieve the outcome. Too many people want their plans validated by someone outside themselves who may know absolutely nothing about how this should or should not be done. While the input of others is important, don't ever let someone else talk you out of your goal or dream.

Questions and Answers

Asking questions can be the most powerful tool you have. Listening to answers can provide you the most powerful information you need.  Work to improve both the questions you ask and the patience to listen to the answers. Someone could be putting nuggets of gold before you.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

If all you think about ...

If all you think about is the same ideas over and over, all you will get is the same outcomes over and over.  Dare to ask yourself, "What if ..." And when you do, listen to the answer.