Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thinking Beyond Your Thinking

Our thoughts are often trapped by the language we use to describe them.  We would like 'more money.' 'a new car,' 'a better job,' or some goal that seems specific, but we are actually quite vague.  With a new car, is it that we want a model from off the assembly line or just an upgrade to what we own?  When we aspire to a better job, are we looking for one that pays better, uses our talents more productively, or feels more fulfilling?  Catch yourself and make this change. Next time you blurt out how life could be better, think beyond your thinking. Write down the desire you stated, then translate it into what you truly want. If you write down 'a new car,' list all the features of the car which you seek including payment. If you want your career to be different, tell your conscious mind all about the subconscious desires you have for this new position. Think beyond your thinking. Be specific.